NWDA (North West Development Agency) Mentoring Case Study

NWDA(North West Development Agency)The NWDA Business mentoring programme commenced in September 2009 and is seeking to support 3,000 SME leaders and managers in the North West of England over a three-year period. The aim of the programme is to establish an exemplary one–to–one mentoring programme demonstrating accredited quality standards. The focus of the mentoring is on small businesses with the potential to grow. This is a core objective of increasing the availability and standard of mentoring provision in the region and robust evaluation. Continue reading

“Beyond Frontiers” Coaching at Work Conference

Coaching at work

Lis Merrick is running a session at the Coaching at Work “Beyond Frontiers” Conference on the 23rd November 2011.

She will be presenting a cross-cultural mentoring case study from her work with the World Wildlife Fund. The case study will showcase using two relationships, with the same mentee, some of the best practice in mentoring across different cultures, as well as illustrating women’s leadership mentoring.

If you wish to register interest for the conference then contact:

Fill in our contact form.