19th Annual EMCC Conference Bilbao, 15 to 17 November 2012

European Mentoring & Coaching CouncilWhilst there have been considerable developments and expansion in the label “coaching”, there seems not to have been a corresponding development in mentoring. However, rather than seeking to work with the old debate around what the differences are between mentoring and coaching, Paul Stokes and I  are planning to use our latest research findings on modern mentoring practice to develop our understanding of mentoring as a field of practice.

The work of Kram (1983), Megginson & Clutterbuck (1999) and Garvey et al (2006) have provided us with some dimensions to understanding mentoring in context eg role modelling; acting as a sounding board; being a critical friend; offering advice and the benefit of experience; sponsorship and assisting with networking. Whilst these models still retain some explanatory power, they need extending, challenging and reframing to account for the way that mentoring is currently enacted in today’s organisational and economic context.

So Paul and I want to draw on our research into a number of global leading edge case study examples of mentoring to offer the audience a new and updated vista of what mentoring looks like in international companies and identify some of the lessons that can be drawn from these for mentors and mentees, those who sponsor mentoring programmes and for mentoring scheme organisers. This will include addressing some of the cultural and political challenges when working with mentoring in organisations.

If you want to get involved in our research or receive a copy of our findings in November please get in touch!

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About Lis Merrick

Lis Merrick is Managing Director of Coach Mentoring Ltd, was EMCC UK President from 2015 to 2018 and was voted ‘Mentoring Person of the Year 2011/12’ by Coaching at Work magazine in the UK; in November 2021 they presented her with a ‘Lifetime Achievement Award for Contributions to Mentoring & Social Change’. Her experience in mentoring programme design and development is now internationally acclaimed, with over 300 mentoring programmes to her name.

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