Keep your Mentoring Programme fresh and vibrant!

Positive mentoringThe Mentoring Expert Webinars with David Clutterbuck and Lis Merrick are designed to provide continuing support and development for mentors. They are available to any mentoring programme, whether in-company or for a professional association or not-for-profit. Each is designed to last for 60 minutes, including 15 minutes of questions. Participants are also encouraged to send in their experiences and questions on the topic ahead of time, so the webinar can be partially customised to their needs. Continue reading

Cards to support coaching and mentoring conversations

Coaching and Mentoring Cards

Have you ever struggled to draw out your coachee or mentee in a conversation? Have you experienced difficulties with engagement in an agreement setting conversation? If so, these cards will support you to have easier conversations. Interactive and stimulating, with beautiful photography; use these cards to facilitate your conversations with individuals, or as aids in your own self-reflection exercises. Continue reading

Three webinars to make your mentoring succeed

Signposting clients to useful mentoring ideasWe are delighted to invite you to join Lis Merrick for three free webinars on some state of the art mentoring topics this winter. Whether you are interested in introducing a quick, effective mentoring intervention, like Flash Mentoring or supporting your mentors in their CPD to stop them making mistakes, these webinars will be useful for you to join. Continue reading

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