At Coach Mentoring Ltd we are passionate about supporting women in the workplace and helping them not only to survive but thrive through mentoring and coaching solutions. We specialise in designing and developing support on an individual, programme and organisational level for women. To celebrate International Women’s Day on the 8th March 2018, we are offering three free webinars. These focus on supporting women specifically through mentoring and perhaps some sponsorship too!
Designing Mentoring to support Women 12.00 UK time
Is it mentoring or sponsorship required in your organisation to develop your female workforce? How do you create a programme where the mentors can positively support their female mentees? How to work with them on an agenda around being assertive with their promotions/packages/pay. What about applying for new experiences, self-confidence, ambition, personal branding, leadership style and friendships in the office? So join us for a webinar focusing on these design points and any aspects you are interested in discussing around mentoring women.
Use Mentoring to claim the Tiara you deserve! 14.00 UK time
A new topic we want to highlight on International Women’s Day 2018. Tiara Syndrome is about being too modest and believing that working hard and diligence will get you promoted and paid well. As Carol Frohlinger says, “Women expect that if they keep doing their job well someone will notice them and place a tiara on their head”. It describes the professional modesty that many women have. This inhibits them ‘shouting’ about their abilities as much as their male colleagues. Therefore this webinar will focus on some of the manifestations of this syndrome. Plus how mentoring or sponsorship can support women to gain the tiara they deserve!
Supporting Women’s Ambition through Mentoring 16.00 UK time
Some women appear to be held back in their careers by having lower ambitions and expectations than their male counterparts. This impedes their career progress. It is manifested in women displaying less career direction and behaviours such as not applying for roles if they don’t meet all the requirements. Something a lot of men wouldn’t worry about! This coupled with issues such as caring demands or competing with friends or partners in their careers, can detract some women from interest in a more traditional, vertical career path. This webinar will explore women’s ambition, some of the barriers facing them and how mentoring can support a woman to develop her ambition further, if she wishes.
Contact to book onto any or all three of these webinars.
All webinars will be approx 30 to 40 minutes
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