Are your traditional routes to goal achievement working? Our guest blogger Susie Dennis explores different routes to developing new goals.
It’s January, my inbox is full of ‘Goal setting’, ‘Intention setting’, ‘Starting 2019 with some sort of lofty resolution’. 2019: make a list of 19 goals. Join us on a 40km or 80km challenge. Linking to Apps with no direct social interaction. I am exhausted looking at it!
We write our lists, set goals, but how do we go about achieving them? There are no added pages for strategy. The rules are not given for how to ‘overcome’ all the excuses. No guidelines for the small steps in between Zero to Hero. Is the “hero’ a list of ‘stuff’, new car, job, place to live, holiday? Is it a list of learning? Courses to attend, interests to take up. Is it is a ‘health list’, loose weight, eat healthy, more exercise, I ‘should’ start: running, yoga, meditation?
Into the fourth day and already the focus has shifted, I can’t start my diet — there is too much cheese to eat up, can’t waste it. It is too cold to start running. The New Year sales are too good, preventing control of finances. Inbox at work is too full, meetings to attend. Only a couple of days until the kids go back to school, wanting to spend time with them.
How can I cope? Is there a better way? Continue reading