Building Rapport in Mentoring – 60 second briefing

Building Rapport in Mentoring (60s briefing)It is extremely important to spend time at the beginning of your relationship to build the rapport and trust required to have meaningful and open and honest mentoring discussions. This fast-paced 60 second briefing video gives you the basics you need to consider when building rapport in mentoring.

Building Rapport: Get to know each other

Discuss each other’s background, find out what your mentor or mentee’s expectations are for their career and life in general, discuss experiences, their motivations and interests, in order to build trust and rapport. Rapport is simply the state of being relaxed and responsive with other people. Finding things you have in common is often the key to unlocking rapport in your relationship.

Build trust in Mentoring

Building trust will take time and you will need to work at it. You need to develop the habits of self-disclosure and openness, and create a safe space for your discussions. If you are working virtually, invest more time in your rapport building, as it may take longer. Do try to use a mode of communication where you can use a camera, especially in the first few meetings. That way you can see each other and understand each other’s body language, which will aid your rapport.

Skills Training Videos

We hope you found this 60 second briefing useful. Coach Mentoring Ltd offers video training to meet any requirements in Coaching and Mentoring. We will work with you to produce a bespoke video to suit your organisation’s needs, or you can choose a standard video from a range of topics.

Above all, we love to talk with new friends, so get in touch to find out how we can help you.

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