Mentoring Masterclass: How to design effective mentoring programmes

Mentoring MasterclassIn this engaging and experiential Coaching at Work Masterclass, Lis Merrick will consider how to design and develop a mentoring approach within an organisation. She will explore the different models, dynamics and uses of mentoring globally and the key steps to create a really robust and effective programme. Watch the introductory video.

Coaching at Work Mentoring Masterclass event outline

Kicking off the Coaching at Work Series of Masterclasses, this event examines how the mentoring approach in organisations differs due to culture and context. It will help you understand the different uses of mentoring in formal programmes.

The participants will then work in pairs or small groups on the design of some ‘real’ programmes. It will certainly consider these key steps of mentoring programme design:

  1. The rationale for the programme
  2. Influencing stakeholders
  3. Clear recruitment strategy
  4. Communications and marketing
  5. Preparing the participants
  6. Matching process
  7. Supporting the programme
  8. Review and evaluation
  9. The role of the mentoring co-ordinator/manager.

Lis will tailor the design part of the masterclass to the specific needs of the participants attending. In addition there will be an opportunity to work on your own programme design, or to use the masterclass to refresh an existing programme you are running.

Mentoring Masterclass aims and objectives

Above all, the masterclass will ensure the participants understand:

  • The different models and dynamics of mentoring
  • How to use mentoring to support different OD and L&D interventions
  • How to use a step approach to design an effective programme using the latest good practice and research in mentoring
  • The shortcuts and quick-wins to robust programme set up
  • The challenges and barriers in programme design and how to overcome them.

The masterclass also provides an opportunity for participants to share knowledge and experiences in developing mentoring programmes. So come with ideas of possible programmes you would like to design or information about an existing programme you would like to review and revitalise.

Seminar date: Wednesday 4th September 2019
Venue: The BPS London Offices, EC2A 4UE
Timings: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Fees: from £169.99
Catering: Tea, coffee and lunch included

Book via Eventbrite

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