Enhancing executive coaching using the Team Management Profile

Margerison-McCann Team Management ProfileTo use a psychometric tool, or not to use, that is the question? Perhaps you have answered this question. Further questions might be, why would you choose the Margerison-McCann Team Management Profile over other psychometrics? How can this tool enhance coaching conversations? How can the Profile help clarify the goals the individual seeks to address?

At Coach Mentoring Ltd coaches choose to offer the Team Management Profile for many reasons, but firstly what is it?

What is the Team Management Profile?

The Team Management Profile is a psychometric tool which, via 60 questions within an online questionnaire, measures an individual’s work preferences. The purpose of the questionnaire relates to the individual at work, not whole-life preferences. As a consequence the coaching conversation can effectively focus on the workplace, its challenges and opportunities.

Team Management Profile

Margerison-McCann Team Management Wheel

Another key benefit of the tool is that it has at its heart a researched model of the key elements to high performance. The report highlights eight critical tasks which long-term all individuals, teams and organisations need to perform well in. Its use fosters a reflection on how far an individual is focusing effectively on these critical tasks or whether there is a bias to dwell too much on certain activities.

With one tool, coaches are able to explore both what is needed for success and also how the individual can succeed; a fulfilling of critical tasks and an appreciation of the impact of preferences and behaviours.

And specifically how can the use of the Team Management Profile enhance the coaching conversation?

Enhancing Executive Coaching—Increased Self-Awareness

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom” – Aristotle

Executive coaching offers the opportunity to expand an individual’s self-awareness, an opportunity for an individual to consider their personality, their strengths, their views, their motivators, their beliefs and what they might be challenged by at work. The Team Management Profile provides a clear mirror for the coach to hold up and explore how the individual sees themselves, what they feel organisational success looks like and how they are motivated to achieve this.

  • What has the report prompted you to consider?
  • What motivates you about work at the moment?
  • How do you see your key strengths?
  • What do you feel your report is highlighting around some workplace challenges for you?

Team Management Profile—Growth and Development

“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.” – Ralph Waldo Emmerson

Written in extremely positive language, the tool provides subtly worded hints and tips for development which an individual can explore with the coach. The coachee may be looking to develop strengths or work on key areas of development. And because of the dual nature of the psychometric, the coaching conversation may follow the route of practical actions around a new work focus or behavioural development.

  • What would you like to work on?
  • What can you do to maximise your key strengths?
  • How can you ensure you spend more time in your areas of strength?
  • What areas would you like to work on to be “the best you” at work?

Enhancing Executive Coaching—Optimising Performance

“I never dreamed about success. I worked for it.” – Estée Lauder

The topic of success and what high performance looks like at work is a vast ocean which the coaching journey can navigate. The tool provides an opportunity to explore how an individual sees a piece of work and their commitment to it.

  • What do you see as fundamental to success?
  • What areas of work are performing well at the moment; which less well?
  • What needs to change for you to see this as a successful piece of work?
  • What support do you need?

Team Management Profile—Managing Stakeholder Expectations

Types of Work

Margerison-McCann Types of Work Model

“Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe and upon which we must vigorously act.” – Pablo Picasso

The use of the Team Management Profile can provide a framework to consider the wider organisational goals and the individual’s place within these. The coach can also explore what the individual sees as their priorities against how other key stakeholders view these.

  • How do others view your contribution at work?
  • Where do you feel you should be focusing at the moment?
  • What does your line manager expect of you?
  • How does this differ to your view?

Enhancing Executive Coaching—Leading and Managing others

“No man will make a great leader who wants to do it all himself or get all the credit for doing it.” – Andrew Carnegie

The Team Management Profile provides a powerful language to explore how others see the world of work, what others see as important, what motivates them and how a manager or leader may need to adapt their communication style to others.

  • How do others see this project?
  • What insights does this provide?
  • How do you see the impact on some of your work preferences on others?
  • What needs to change for you to lead and manage more effectively?

The combination of the coaching conversation and the Team Management Profile has supported individuals in many key ways providing them with control over their own learning whilst giving them supportive insights into their potential.

Do get in touch to discuss this further with one of our TMSDI accredited coaches…

Models reproduced by kind permission of TMS Development International Ltd
Margerison-McCann Team Management Wheel is a registered trademark.

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About Janet Leonard

A learning and development consultant and coach specialising in Motivation, Performance, and Development, helping individuals, teams and organisations define and achieve success. She works globally, offering both face-to-face facilitation and virtual coaching. Janet loves working with diverse, passionate teams and is a certified Master Trainer in the suite of TMSDI development tools and enjoys incorporating these in her approach.

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