Learn live from team coaching industry pioneer David Clutterbuck

LIVE Team Coaching AcceleratorProfessors David Clutterbuck and Peter Hawkins have partnered with the Global Team Coaching Institute (GTCI) to bring you a complimentary, LIVE Team Coaching Accelerator: Advance to the Leading Edge of Team Coaching and Team Leadership. GTCI is a new institute dedicated to Team Coaching where the world’s foremost experts come to teach, where coaches come to become the best, and where organisations come to find the best.

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Save the Children grow and nurture their talent – PGC case study

Save the Children PGC in coaching and mentoringAfter a successful first cohort on the Postgraduate Certificate for Coaching and Mentoring for Leadership in Organisations in 2019, Save the Children has launched another cohort for their Senior Leadership Team. In addition to building up the senior humanitarian leadership behaviours, Save the Children hopes to build up a pool of humanitarian coaches and mentors who are able to:

  • Strengthen national/local leadership through coaching and/or mentoring
  • Increase the effectiveness of knowledge transfer in an emergency response through a mentoring coaching hybrid approach
  • Create a ‘coaching culture’ in order to grow and nurture talent in order to deliver key results, strengthen leadership capacities, increase retention and deepen engagement

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