Learn live from team coaching industry pioneer David Clutterbuck

LIVE Team Coaching AcceleratorProfessors David Clutterbuck and Peter Hawkins have partnered with the Global Team Coaching Institute (GTCI) to bring you a complimentary, LIVE Team Coaching Accelerator: Advance to the Leading Edge of Team Coaching and Team Leadership. GTCI is a new institute dedicated to Team Coaching where the world’s foremost experts come to teach, where coaches come to become the best, and where organisations come to find the best.

In this 90-minute accelerator, David & Peter will show you how to leverage the incredible power of team coaching. You’ll learn how to distinguish between team coaching and other interventions, such as team facilitation or team building.

Above all, learn how to take a complex, adaptive systems perspective of teams and their leaders. By the end of this session, you’ll be able to begin building team coaching into your personal development planning as a coach.

We have always valued David’s insights into coaching and value greatly his enormous experience, knowledge, humour and professionalism. We are happy to encourage you to take this opportunity to benefit from this collaboration with Peter Hawkins:

Team Coaching Accelerator

Coach training sessions like these often reach full capacity quickly, so sign up early.
Update: registration has passed, but you can still watch the recording.

The Team Coaching Revolution is here. Are YOU ready?

Today’s solutions were not designed to solve tomorrow’s challenges. However, you can take this opportunity to create 21st century team-based leadership.

Few organizations are prepared for the transition from the “heroic CEO” model to the cohesive team approach needed to succeed in an increasingly VUCA world. The future is here. So what can you do NOW to help businesses prepare for what lies ahead?

Professors Peter Hawkins and David Clutterbuck are here to help you take that first, important step towards future-fitness for you and your clients.

For 90 minutes at no cost, you can become a conduit for transformation. Join these two team leadership pioneers for a world-exclusive, live event. Become part of the first cohort of coaches to move towards a more effective, team-based tomorrow.

Session content

Specifically, in this FREE virtual masterclass, attendees will learn how to:

  • Embrace Team Coaching — Understand why the days of the “Heroic Leader” are over for business. Discover the essential differences between coaching individuals and coaching teams
  • Disrupt The Coaching Industry — Learn why the individual coaching model is losing momentum, and how to future-fit your practice with team coaching
  • Transform Your Coaching Practice — Build your skills to support the new world of team leadership. Plus, uncover the biggest mistakes coaches and leaders make with teams
  • Coach More Systemically — Facilitate teams to work with each other and every stakeholder across the organisation
  • Empower Teams — Enable teams to navigate the challenges of today’s hyper-complex and fast-changing world
  • Optimise Leadership & Development — Cut through the limits to organisational development imposed by individual coaching
  • Coach Connections — Learn how to go beyond individuals within teams and teams as a whole to begin coaching connections between parts and people
  • Stay Relevant — Future-proof your coaching practice and the organisations you work with by fostering 21st-century collective leadership

Register for this exclusive free event now

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