As coaches and mentors, we encourage those we support to write their journal, diaries, or thoughts of the day that has gone or thoughts on the day to come. Susan Dennis explores a simple technique to introduce people to the benefits of journaling.
Monthly Archives: April 2020
Covid-19: languishing lettuce, ‘side hustles’ and career transition!
What do languishing lettuce, ‘side hustles’, career transition and the catalyst of Covid-19 have in common? Read on and find out how the current pandemic may be the trigger to reassess your working life and future post lockdown.
Internal coaching and mentoring to support through Covid-19
We are now into the fourth week of Covid-19 lockdown in the UK, but already it is obvious our old ‘normal’ has gone and will not return. I have previously explored how mentoring interventions can support the transitions that individuals’ experience as they engage with this new world. However, in this article I will consider how internal coaching and mentoring can actually improve individual’s ability to reinvent and adapt both themselves and their organisations to thrive in the future. Continue reading
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