Help children roll the dice on climate change

Climate Change DiceOne of our recent well-being webinars (How to be an Eco-Warrior) introduced us to a new climate change friend. Pendar Vatanian, a certified Environmental Management Systems Auditor, created a #ClimateDice game after working with schools for a decade. He hopes to boost children’s imaginations and help them to re-imagine an alternative positive future. Like us, Pendar is a firm believer in the positive power of the imagination, in business as well as education.

The #ClimateDice game aims to help combat the growing levels of climate anxiety amongst children. It harnessing the power of the imagination and provides a fun way of exploring climate change issues. By providing an opportunity for children to vocalise their worries, hopes and needs in relation to the world around them, the game’s creators believe children can imagine and realise an alternative, better future for themselves.

The publicly crowdfunded enterprise has already raised over £3,500, with people pledging £10 to receive a set of Climate Dice in plastic free packaging for themselves. For every pledge made the organisers will give away a free set of dice to schools in remote areas of the world, so children world-wide can benefit from the game for free.

Support children in conversations about Climate Change

#ClimateDice is a simple storytelling dice game, consisting of a dice set with pictures (instead of numbers) on each of the sides. Players take turns to roll the #ClimateDice using the pictures that land face-up to create their own stories. Players are in control of the story they tell. So they can take the conversation wherever their imagination wishes. It provides an excellent opportunity for children to share what’s on their mind, without the limit of boundaries and rules.

The overall goal is to distribute one million dice sets by the end of 2021. For the top pledge of £5,000 individuals and organisations can become ‘Imagination Leaders’ by donating 500 sets of the dice game to schools in remote areas.

So find out more and support the cause on the Climate Dice Kickstarter page.

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About Lis Merrick

Lis Merrick is Managing Director of Coach Mentoring Ltd, was EMCC UK President from 2015 to 2018 and was voted ‘Mentoring Person of the Year 2011/12’ by Coaching at Work magazine in the UK; in November 2021 they presented her with a ‘Lifetime Achievement Award for Contributions to Mentoring & Social Change’. Her experience in mentoring programme design and development is now internationally acclaimed, with over 300 mentoring programmes to her name.

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