What are the benefits of coaching supervision for a coach?

Benefits of Coaching SupervisionInitially the reason a coach engages with supervision may be to simply satisfy the requirements of a professional body. However, experience suggests that once the coach has undertaken supervision they see the value of supervision and what it brings to them and their coaching practice. Supervision supports the personal and professional development of a coach in whatever their capacity as a coach. There are numerous benefits for individual coaches, whether they are an external or internal coach, as well as benefits for organisations with internal coaching programmes.

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What is effective coaching supervision for a coach?

Effective Coaching SupervisionHow do you make sure you are well equipped for your role as a coach after gaining your qualification? How do you make sure that you are keeping yourself and your clients safe as a practising coach? Can you make sure that you and your practice are ‘fit for purpose’? The answer is to make sure that, as part of your continuing professional development as a coach, you undertake effective coaching supervision.

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