We are now into the final months of 2024 and for many of us, this signals the budget round and thinking about our people strategy.
It will shortly be 2025 and many have a planning horizon up to 2030, anticipating what their people needs might be.
We are all aware that the wider HR function and especially learning and development teams, need to consider and support the business or organisational purpose and strategy. But how many of you feel you are on top of this? The world of work changes constantly and drivers such as global politics, inflation, or changes to employment legislation, just to name a few things, can make an enormous impact on your people and organisation.
What’s on your people horizon for 2030?
A good place to start is to consider what some of the trends are that may affect you over the next few years and be proactive about how you can face up to some of these factors. How can you plan in a more agile way to help your people and organisation change and improve their performance?
We know that AI will influence more in the work place, we know that we will continue to see impacts of climate change, political unrest, etc. but what is going to impact you?
Horizon 2030 People Professional Survey
Since 2004 the team at Coach Mentoring Ltd., has built their expertise in the field of organisation development. We are keen to understand what’s on the horizon for the future of work, our clients and their employees, so we can help!
We invite you to complete this Horizon 2030 questionnaire, the results of which will be anonymised to help you and others to understand the future picture more clearly.
Webinar discussion on the survey results
We will share the results with everyone who takes part and invite you to a webinar on the 26th November at 12.00. Here we will discuss the findings and listen to what some of the response to these trends could look like and provide an opportunity for you to reflect on how you can drive positive change in your organisation, as the world of work constantly evolves.
So come along to discuss with other professionals in a group. It’s not just an exploration of the survey results, but a sharing space. Can you afford to miss it?
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