About David Garvie

David Garvie is Managing Director of sfG Software, which develops and markets the leading mentoring platform, sfG MentorNet. MentorNet helps organisations worldwide to develop and run their mentoring programs, and David has run a number of workshops in the UK to help mentoring coordinators understand when and how they should be implementing technology.

Why mentoring and mentoring software make such a good match!

Mentoring softwareA recent article in Forbes said, “Having a mentor is the greatest gift someone can receive”. It is also the most significant treasure someone can offer. Another article says, “those who have mentors out-earn and out-perform those who try going about it on their own.” Dr. Ruth Gotian talks about the emotional and pyscho-social benefit and support a mentoring programme (with or without mentoring software) can offer, which isn’t there as part of a normal working day.

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Mentoring Technology — Check you’re ready

Mentoring Technology. Are you Ready?Are you running, or are about to run, a mentoring program? If so, the chances are you’re wondering whether it’s worth investing in mentoring technology to help you manage the scheme. Here are three tests to help you understand whether you should be thinking about a technology platform, or whether you are better saving your money! Continue reading