Springtime health check to optimise your mentoring!

Springtime health checkWith summer just around the corner, it is a good time to health check your mentoring programme to ensure it’s in tip-top condition to keep it going over the holiday months and into the autumn. Effective formal mentoring needs nurturing and energising to deliver the best outcomes. So, whether you are an external consultant or an internal co-ordinator, freshen up your mentoring programme before people drift off on their holiday.

Watch Lis Merrick’s mentoring programme health tips and download the free Infographic. Continue reading

What mentees want from their mentors

What mentees wantThe more self-aware a mentor can be about their behaviour and the degree to which they listen to their mentees around what the mentee is looking for from them, the better the relationship can be.

This video explores two different and sometimes competing models of mentoring which are used globally. It also provides a simple and practical framework to help mentors understand how to behave effectively in an organisational mentoring programme.

Watch Lis Merrick now and download our Infographic to find out more! Continue reading

Vasectomy or Mindful Mentoring, what’s your choice for March?

Mindful mentoringThis year the term ‘Mindful March’ is everywhere, with encouragement to be more mindful in your approach to life for the 31 days, trying out a new idea or action to help you live more in the present moment. Lovely ideas and sentiments and I hope ones that will support people to live more connected lives and cope better with day to day stress, anxiety and depression. It is delightful to see and feel the energy on social media as people respond to these ideas. Continue reading

Does Queen Bee Syndrome make women cruel?

Queen beeOrganisations may face a higher risk of losing female employees who experience female instigated rudeness as they report less satisfaction at work and increased intentions to quit their current jobs in response to these unpleasant experiences. This is according to a new study to be published shortly in the Journal of Applied Psychology by a team led by Allison Gabriel of the University of Arizona.

Queen Bee Syndrome has always been with us, women can be terribly cruel to those underneath them in the hierarchy and pull the ladder up behind them, rather than extend it down to support them in their career progression. If women have had a tough time becoming successful in their career, some women, rather than become the great role model and mentor they could be, feel other junior women coming up behind them are a threat and deciding to either be unpleasant to them or deliberately block their career path.

So how much of an issue is Queen Bee Syndrome in organisations and is it impacting the increase in numbers of women into the Board Room? Continue reading

Webinars for International Women’s Day 2018

International Women's DayAt Coach Mentoring Ltd we are passionate about supporting women in the workplace and helping them not only to survive but thrive through mentoring and coaching solutions.  We specialise in designing and developing support on an individual, programme and organisational level for women. To celebrate International Women’s Day on the 8th March 2018, we are offering three free webinars. These focus on supporting women specifically through mentoring and perhaps some sponsorship too! Continue reading

Use mentoring to claim the tiara you deserve!

Claim your mentoring tiaraTiara Syndrome is a term originally developed by Carol Grohlinger and Deborah Kolb and then used by Sheryl Sandberg in her book ‘Lean in’. Sandberg feels that women often think they can be crowned with the tiara of success by keeping their heads down, working hard, over-preparing and passing all of their exams. Continue reading

Keep your Mentoring Programme fresh and vibrant!

Positive mentoringThe Mentoring Expert Webinars with David Clutterbuck and Lis Merrick are designed to provide continuing support and development for mentors. They are available to any mentoring programme, whether in-company or for a professional association or not-for-profit. Each is designed to last for 60 minutes, including 15 minutes of questions. Participants are also encouraged to send in their experiences and questions on the topic ahead of time, so the webinar can be partially customised to their needs. Continue reading

Cards to support coaching and mentoring conversations

Coaching and Mentoring Cards

Have you ever struggled to draw out your coachee or mentee in a conversation? Have you experienced difficulties with engagement in an agreement setting conversation? If so, these cards will support you to have easier conversations. Interactive and stimulating, with beautiful photography; use these cards to facilitate your conversations with individuals, or as aids in your own self-reflection exercises. Continue reading

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