Group supervision sessions for coaches and mentors

Group Supervision onlineJoin three virtual sessions of group supervision in early 2022. Ideal if you’re a coach or a mentor wanting to share your experiences and learn from others. Your expert supervisor will guide the group and hold the space, so that you feel comfortable to express yourself, reflect on your relationships and learn more skills. Supervision is a crucial part of your practice with educative, quality control and ethical check-in qualities.

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Coaching and mentoring to ride your best wave

Riding your waveThe days are lighter and longer. The number of people vaccinated is growing rapidly. Coronavirus cases are going down in most areas and restrictions are going to be lifting shortly. We have a renewed sense of hope! But hold on a minute… Before you rush off with new plans and direction, are you feeling prepared and in a good place mentally to move forward? Surfers are selective and only paddle for waves that are worthwhile and fit their experience category. Just imagine yourself as a surfer for a moment. Do you know how to find your next perfect wave and ride it forward?

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Internal coaching and mentoring to support through Covid-19

Internal Coaching & MentoringWe are now into the fourth week of Covid-19 lockdown in the UK, but already it is obvious our old ‘normal’ has gone and will not return. I have previously explored how mentoring interventions can support the transitions that individuals’ experience as they engage with this new world. However, in this article I will consider how internal coaching and mentoring can actually improve individual’s ability to reinvent and adapt both themselves and their organisations to thrive in the future. Continue reading

Benefits of Coaching, research and reality

Benefits of CoachingSo why bother to introduce coaching in your organisation? What benefits are your employees going to get out of it? Can people really support each other in their learning and development through having a simple developmental dialogue?

Read on for the latest research and to learn more about the benefits of coaching. Get the answers to these frequently asked questions about using coaching in the workplace. Continue reading

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