EMCC Senior Practitioner via Level 7 PGC in Coaching and Mentoring

EMCC Senior Practitioner via Level 7 PGCFast-track access to EMCC Senior Practitioner accreditation via a Level 7 Postgraduate Certificate (PGC) in Coaching and Mentoring for Leadership in Organisations. This course, accredited by Leeds Beckett University, provides convenient virtual learning across three modules starting in April 2025. It is suitable for internal and external coaches and mentors, or those looking to develop their leadership skills.

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Accredited Level 7 PGC in Coaching and Mentoring for Leadership 2024

Mentoring - What are you thinkingA Postgraduate Certificate (PGC) in Coaching and Mentoring for Leadership in Organisations accredited at Level 7 by Leeds Beckett University. This blended course includes in-person learning across three modules starting in May 2024. Delivered by experts in the practical application of academic rigour, it’s suitable for internal and external coaches and mentors, or those looking to develop their leadership skills.

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Internal coaching and mentoring to support through Covid-19

Internal Coaching & MentoringWe are now into the fourth week of Covid-19 lockdown in the UK, but already it is obvious our old ‘normal’ has gone and will not return. I have previously explored how mentoring interventions can support the transitions that individuals’ experience as they engage with this new world. However, in this article I will consider how internal coaching and mentoring can actually improve individual’s ability to reinvent and adapt both themselves and their organisations to thrive in the future. Continue reading

Cards to support coaching and mentoring conversations

Coaching and Mentoring Cards

Have you ever struggled to draw out your coachee or mentee in a conversation? Have you experienced difficulties with engagement in an agreement setting conversation? If so, these cards will support you to have easier conversations. Interactive and stimulating, with beautiful photography; use these cards to facilitate your conversations with individuals, or as aids in your own self-reflection exercises. Continue reading

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