Why is Talent Management so important?
Attracting and retaining the best available people is likely to become even more challenging as the competition for high-performer and high-potential management intensifies. As the business world changes, so newer different, more sophisticated, yet radical, skills and understanding will be needed. The inevitable trend towards globalisation, higher technology and more diffuse organisations structures and information networks is likely to mean a far greater demand for employees with specific skills.
Organisations take different approaches to how they create their talent programmes. For some it is an “exclusive” mode of talent management which is characterised by a concentration in “talent pools” of employees who are at the top, or identified as having the potential to get to the top. A more “inclusive” approach recognises that there are various key positions to fill in any organisation as well as a future pipeline of the “appropriate” skills to fill all of these positions, whatever the level.
How can Coach Mentoring support you?
Coach Mentoring Ltd specialises in the development of mentoring and coaching programmes designed to support your talented employees. We seek to:
- Create valid and relevant learning relationships for talented people
- Trigger the energy and enthusiasm, along with the directional sense and focused aspiration that a developed personal vision can provide
- Help people to see and do things differently
- Provide a continuous process of helping people to develop themselves.
Talent Management Mentoring
In particular, we have developed a unique model for Talent Management Mentoring, incorporating development mentoring with some key aspects of sponsorship. If your objective is to ensure the optimum deployment of your talent, then you will need a more sophisticated form of mentoring made available to them, incorporating some aspects of championing, networking, improving their contextual knowledge of the organisation and providing them with a guardian or role model.
Talent Management Coaching
Coach Mentoring Ltd has considerable experience in operating coaching programmes to support organisational talent, utilising both internal and external coaches, depending on the organisational requirements. High potential individuals will need to have their potential unlocked, be fast-tracked to retain their engagement and developed in a number of areas. Coaching on a one-to-one basis is often the quickest way to provide these types of development support.
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Leadership Development
Develop the wide-ranging capabilities needed for leaders to be able to contribute effectively.
Talent Management articles
Learn more about our experience in talent management solutions.