Coaching & mentoring through change

Thriving through Chaos!

Thriving through chaos

Sixteen practical ideas to support coaching and mentoring dialogues, or to thrive in your life

Review Reimagine Reinvent

Why explore your life at this time?

Explore ideas
  • We are experiencing global chaos!
  • The world has become even more Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous
  • We are coping with the Covid-19 Pandemic, the grief of ‘Black Lives Matter’
  • Plus the enormous disparities in health and socio-economics

A programme to support personal reflection

The level of uncertainty and anxiety experienced by most people is unprecedented since World War Two.

We need fresh techniques and ideas to facilitate our thinking and personal learning to support us to thrive and not just survive, both in the workplace and in our personal lives.

Adjusting to this ‘new normal’ is exhausting. How can you cope with an ever-changing situation which is really indefinite uncertainty?

Online Thriving through Chaos journey

Immediate access to online resources to work through in your own time. Make your own notes within the online portal as you progress on the jouney.

Review reimagine reinvent

  • Self reflection
  • Work in your own time!

Get immediate access via your own account now.

(or take this journey via interactive webinar)


Offline Thriving through Chaos journey

Seventeen cards and an explanatory booklet for a tangible resource to use again and again as a coach, mentor or for yourself.

  • Use as a coach, mentor or individual
  • A inspirational visual and tactile experience

Qty: Cards are £20 per set.


Self reflection

This collation of ideas and techniques began after asking myself and being asked, some of these questions:

  • What are we learning from these current difficult experiences?
  • How can people rebuild themselves and their lives after suffering losses personally, whether this is health, finances, separation from family and friends, career etc?
  • How can we prepare for the future when so much is still unknown?
  • What actionable approaches can we start taking immediately to begin a new journey towards a ‘better’ life?

I hope these ideas and techniques are helpful in providing some stepping stones towards answering these questions.

Lis Merrick



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